Ustad Mazhar Ali Khan & Ustad Jawwad Ali Khan are top grade artist of AIR and Doordarshan. They represented India through ICCR in many countries. They performed privately also in Canada and Europe.

Carrying forward a great tradition, and proud descendants of a lineage of great masters, Ustad Mazhar Ali Khan and Ustad Jawaad Ali Khan sons of Karamat Ali Khan are the very talented grandsons of Padma Bhushan Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, doyen of the Kasur Patiala Gharana and one of this century’s greatest vocalists.

The initials guidance and musical environment for Ustad Mazhar and Ustad Jawaad came from their grand father Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan and their grand uncle Ustad Barkat Ali Khan and father Karamat Ali Khan, they nurtured their love for music and focused their thinking towards the greatness of this art from. Later, they started formal training under their uncle and guru, Ustad Munawar Ali khan, second son of Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali khan. He groomed them in the intricate Chamukhia style of the Kasur Patiala Geake. Their Guru’s vigorous talim which stretched for many years coupled with their own untiring Riyaz, has moulded them into mature and capable vocalists.

Both of the brothers, in their several concerts in India and abroad have been flooding audiences with nostalgic memories of their beloved grand father with their expertise in weaving complex Taan patterns and their control over Swara and Laya. Their broad and virile voices compel attention and their performance never fails to impress. Their rendering of Khayal Thumris and madras is with immense beauty and elegance. While remaining within the norms of their Gayaki, they are innovating their own projection and creating a definitive aura and brilliance in their rendering, encompassing perfect technique and aesthetics.

Ustad Mazhar and Ustad Jawaad are top grade artists of All India Radio & TV. Their audio-tape “Yaad-e-Sabrang’, featuring a set of exquisite Thumris and Dadras dedicated to Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, has recently been released by Weston.


  • In 1995, Awarded for the best classic vocalist of Punjab, by Punjab government
  • In 2005, Awarded as the best classic performers, by Delhi Government
  • Awarded by Bade Ghulam Ali khan Music Academy of Toronto (Canada)
  • Lahore (Pakistan) Awarded for the best classic performer